Tag: Psychology
Unhealthy eating can have immediate effects on workplace performance
Three-dimensional imaging is not suitable for small cancer targets
Differences in personality structure among humans
Geneticists continue to unravel how genes impact drug use and addiction: Study assesses naturally occurring variation in drug self-administration
Research links civic engagement to resilience
Opposites attract and, together, they can make surprisingly gratifying decisions: When couples make a joint decision, study finds conflicting interpersonal orientations can produce decisions that satisfy both parties
Tech fixes can’t protect us from disinformation campaigns: US should focus on the psychology of false beliefs
Higher lead in topsoil boosts probability of cognitive difficulties in 5-year-old boys
More than 600,000 Japanese people isolated over 40 living social
Parental support linked to how well millennials transition to college life
When tempers flare, nurses’ injuries could rise
It’s not your fault — Your brain is self-centered: Short-term memory focuses on things we label as ‘ours,’ no matter how random they are
Green environment can protect children from later Depression
People think and behave differently in virtual reality than they do in real life
Neuroimaging shows social exclusion spurs extremism in those vulnerable to radicalization
A role for microRNAs in social behavior: Researchers uncover how a microRNA cluster regulates synapse development and sociability
Length of eye blinks might act as conversational cue: Studies of conversations with avatars show that people use blinks as nonverbal feedback
Being yelled at: Our brain on alert in a flash
Why does second-hand experience of neighborhood violence affect some youth, but not others?
Can social media lead to labor market discrimination?
Time-traveling illusion tricks the brain: How the brain retroactively makes sense of rapid auditory and visual sensory stimulation
Where you live might influence how you measure up against your peers
Emotionally stable people spend more during the holidays, according to new study
Corruption is hard to hide if you’re a politician whose face is wide
Sweeter dreams in a peaceful mind
Why the effects of a boozy binge could last longer than you think
On-again, off-again relationships might be toxic for mental health: On-off relationships are associated with higher rates of abuse, poorer communication and lower levels of commitment
Working memory might be more flexible than previously thought