Tag: Scientists

Fighting a deadly parasite: Scientists devise a method to store Cryptosporidium, aiding vaccine research efforts

Cancer: Scientists reveal how to boost radiotherapy

Rare antibodies show scientists how to neutralize the many types of Ebola

Scientists block RNA silencing protein in liver to prevent obesity and diabetes in mice

Scientists develop new way to identify telltale markers for breast cancer tumors

Scientists identify weak point in deadly eye melanoma

Playing tennis could add 10 YEARS to your life

Scientists sweep cellular neighborhoods where Zika hides out

Scientists discover how RNA regulates genes in embryo that affect seizure susceptibility

Scientists propose a new lead for Alzheimer’s research

E-cigarettes NOT as safe as we thought, scientists reveal

With a detailed cell atlas of the mouse brain, scientists gain a new view into the brain’s diversity

Scientists discover neurodegenerative disease in monkeys

Ever wonder why certain smells take you down memory lane?

Magnetized wire could be used to detect cancer in people, scientists report

Scientists trigger hot flashes in female and male mice

Scientists create a complete atlas of lung tumor cells

Scientists can predict intelligence from brain scans

Scientists unravel DNA code behind rare neurologic disease

Scientists work out your risk of dying early because of alcohol

Scientists learn more about how gene linked to autism affects brain

Scientists show that drugs targeting tumor metabolism will not stop Natural Killer cells

Scientists identify enzyme responsible for vascular damage caused by aircraft noise

Scientists discover biomarker for flu susceptibility

Would YOU suffer through the flu for $3,500?

You are more stressed at the FRONT of the queue, find scientists

First ever 3D printed human corneas are made by UK scientists

Scientists seek to better protect the eye from glaucoma