Tag: signs

Fatty liver disease: Have you noticed your eyes are more yellow? Risk found in your eyes

High blood pressure: Nosebleeds are the lesser-known sign indicating your risk

Prostate cancer: Experiencing ‘hematuria’ when you pee is a warning sign

Heart attack symptoms: Feeling overfull is a deceptive warning sign – what to look for

Parkinson’s disease: A disorder when sleeping could be a sign you may be at risk

Parkinson’s disease: Do you do this when you sleep? Peculiar symptom warning of condition

WHO Europe chief cites coronavirus warning signs ahead

Lyme disease: Feeling this sensation in your head could mean an infection by a tick bite

Heart attack symptoms: Three ‘subtle’ signs you’ve already had a heart attack

Dementia symptoms: Has your partner smelt this recently? Major warning sign

Type 2 diabetes: Is your groin this colour? Warning symptom of high blood sugar

Dementia symptoms: Are you reluctant to try this? It could be an early warning sign

Type 2 diabetes symptoms: The sign when sitting down that could signal the condition

Lung cancer symptoms: Swelling in this region is a lesser known sign of the deadly disease

Type 2 diabetes: The sign in your shoulder that could signal the chronic condition

Telltale Signs That You’re in Dire Need of a Career Reboot

Bed bugs: Have you smelt this odour before? It could be a warning of an infestation

Bowel cancer symptoms: This sign after you’ve been to the toilet could signal the disease

TYPE 2 diabetes: Noticing this unusual symptom on your skin could mean you’re at risk

High blood pressure: Experiencing this habit in the evening could be a warning sign

Simon Reeve health: ‘I could so easily have died’ presenter reveals dark health battle

Heart attack warning: This sign in the ear should not be ignored and increases your risk

Heart attacks: The number one food group that puts a person at risk – what is it?

High blood pressure: Five ways to reduce your daily salt intake

Brain shows signs of Parkinson’s disease years before symptoms come

Researchers use AI to detect early signs of Alzheimer’s

Worried you are dating a psychopath? Signs to look for, according to science

Harmless bruise? In the case of these signs, you should immediately to the doctor – Video