Tag: Stroke

For the first time, stroke study reveals optimal timing and intensity for arm and hand rehabilitation

Innovative Technology Accurately Predicts Stroke Recovery

Adults with obsessive compulsive disorder face higher risk of ischemic stroke

How Some COVID-19 Vaccines Could Cause Rare Blood Clots

Heart failure and stroke rising in men under 40

UK Regulators to Offer Under-30s Alternative to AZ COVID Vaccine

Telestroke Care Tied to Improved Reperfusion Rate, Mortality

Alien Cells May Explain COVID ‘Brain Fog’

What is Knee Hyperextension?

Virtual reality applied to rehabilitation for stroke and neurodegenerative disease patients

Heart disease, stroke more deadly in ‘socially vulnerable’ counties

How 20 years of stroke research revealed disparities among Mexican Americans

Putting virtual rehab for stroke patients to the test

Even Occasional Smoking Can Increase Your Risk for Stroke

Coronavirus pandemic shaping up to be battle for years even with Covid-19 vaccine

Sleep-wake disturbances can predict recurrent events in stroke survivors

Stroke clot-buster drugs could be harnessed to tackle COVID-19

New practices improve stroke care

Why the usual and regular sleep time is important – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

As COVID-19 cases increase, preventing a second heart attack or stroke is vital

Study finds music therapy helps stroke patients

Diet Soda: To drink or not to drink

Low income and work stress contribute to link between education, heart disease and stroke

If you fancy an afternoon nap, you could be at higher risk of stroke

Over-60s who exercise face a lower risk of heart disease and stroke

A new study suggests PTSD may contribute to the rise in strokes in younger adults

Canadians told to stop taking aspirin to prevent first heart attack, stroke

These diets helped women with diabetes cut heart attack, stroke risk