Tag: Alzheimer’s

A gene linked to job-related exhaustion in shift workers increases the risk of Alzheimer’s

Aging, obesity may prime the brain for Alzheimer’s

Novel nuclear medicine probe will help assess new drugs for neurodegenerative diseases

Obesity + aging linked to Alzheimer’s markers in the brain

Tau does not stabilize microtubules, challenges approach to treating Alzheimer’s

Robots May Soon Join Ranks of Alzheimer’s Caregivers

New screening tool could help diagnose early cognitive decline in dementia from home

Children’s immune system could hold the key to preventing sepsis

Novel combination as potential therapy for high-risk neuroblastoma

Dementia can be caused by hypertension

New mechanism by which Alzheimer’s disease spreads through the brain discovered

Sex matters: Addressing the Alzheimer’s disease research gap

Alzheimer’s may NOT be caused by toxic protein clumps killing cells

How Tau aggregates can contribute to cell death in Alzheimer’s disease

Genes found related to the reduction of proteins that contribute to Alzheimer’s onset

What happens to plasmalogens, the phospholipids nobody likes to think about

Feel the burn: Biochemical pathway that spurs beige fat cells to burn energy is discovered

Scientists discover a variation of the genome predisposing to Alzheimer’s disease

Restoring epigenetic balance reinstates memory in flies with Alzheimer’s disease symptoms

Move it and use it: Exergaming may help those at risk of Alzheimer’s or related dementias

Neuroprotective molecule could improve memory and cognition, reduce Alzheimer’s degradation

Key factors to support quality of life in dementia: A robust research analysis has identified what factors can be targeted to support people to live as well as possible with dementia

Facebook app offers opportunity to help unpaid Alzheimer’s caregivers via friendsourcing

Gait assessed with body-worn sensors may help detect onset of Alzheimer’s disease

Astrocyte findings suggest new options against Alzheimer’s

Gait assessed with body-worn sensors may help detect onset of Alzheimer’s disease

Music activates regions of the brain spared by Alzheimer’s disease

Daffodils in Wales could help 225,000 Alzheimer’s patients